Bias in Everyday Appliances

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Bias in Everyday Appliances

Bias is generally defined as a natural inclination towards or against something or someone—regardless of whether or not one is conscious of the biases they hold, one may propose that it is crucial to be wary of them due to the rash decisions and harm they can bring [1]. Biases in everyday appliances occur when builders and engineers of these appliances fail to either utilize diverse sets of training data, or thoroughly think of the social consequences of their designs [2] [3]. Some appliance domains of frequent use include: facial recognition, speech recognition, soap dispensers and medical devices. Although these tools may have been made with the intention to facilitate life, through these domains, many types of biases have arose, with some prevalent ones being racial bias and gender bias. In order to combat these biases, engineers and researchers are seeking more ways to incorporate greater representation in training data—ensuring that the data being used is accurate and informative—and modify existing systems to be more inclusive of certain ethnic groups and genders [4] [5].

Reference for the Types of Biases Discussed Below

Racial Bias

Racial bias is a form of implicit bias and is defined to be a personal and potentially illogical judgment made solely on an individual’s race. [6]

Gender Bias

Gender bias is another form of implicit bias and is defined to be the tendency to prefer one gender over another. [7]

Physical Bias

This is the first way Achuta Kadambi, assistant professor at University of California, Los Angeles' Samueli School of Engineering, claims is how racial and gender bias can negatively affect medical devices. Physical bias refers to the inherent bias present in the mechanics of the medical device.

Computational Bias

The second way racial and gender bias can enter into the realm of medical devices is computational bias, which refers to the bias present in the software or data sets used to develop the devices.

Interpretation Bias

According to Kadambi, the third and final way racial and gender bias can affect medical devices is interpretation bias, which refers to the bias present in the user of the device—specifically when clinicians apply race-based standards to the outputs of medical devices and tests.

Selection or Sample Bias

This bias occurs when a dataset does not reflect the realities of the environment the system will be used in.

Measurement Bias

Measurement bias refers to the bias that occurs when the data collected for training does not represent the real world accurately, or when faulty measurements result in ill-fitted data.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is a software that is used to match faces in images, from both photos and video stills, against an existing database of facial identities. (INCLUDE REF) The usage of this technology can be commonly seen in phones (e.g. to unlock lock screens or to verify app purchases) and, starting from the early 2000s, in law enforcement (e.g. to identify criminals). (INCLUDE REF) Despite there being much improvement to this technology from when it was first used, facial recognition software is still far from perfect. Not only was iPhone’s facial recognition feature unable to correctly distinguish between two colleagues in China, Google Photos also mistakenly tagged two black friends in a selfie as gorillas. (INCLUDE REF) Moreover, in law enforcement systems, these facial recognition systems are still more prone to misidentifying African Americans than other races, which are errors that could lead to innocent people being incarcerated or claimed as potential suspects. Authors Claire Garvie and Jonathan Frankle propose that the racial makeup of the development team and types of photos available in the databases used can heavily influence the accuracy of facial recognition systems. This statement can be supported by the fact that algorithms developed in East Asian countries recognized East Asian faces far more readily than Caucasians, and similarly, algorithms developed in Western and European countries recognized Caucasian facial characteristics with greater accuracy than those of East Asian descent. (INCLUDE REF)

Speech Recognition

Soap Dispensers

Medical Devices


  1. Sussex Publishers. (n.d.). Bias. Psychology Today. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from
  2. Wallis, C. (2021, June 1). Fixing Medical Devices That Are Biased against Race or Gender. Scientific American. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from
  3. Goethe, T. S. (2019, March 2). Bigotry Encoded: Racial Bias in Technology. Reporter. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from
  4. Turner, A., & Stainwright, S. (2022, May 3). Racist soap dispensers and other tales of Health Measurement Bias. Actuaries Digital. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from
  5. Wallis, C. (2021, June 1). Fixing Medical Devices That Are Biased against Race or Gender. Scientific American. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from
  6. Williams, S. A. S. (1970, January 1). Bias, Race. SpringerLink. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from
  7. Reiners, B. (2022, September 29). What Is Gender Bias in the Workplace? Built In. Retrieved January 27, 2023, from