Talk:Non-fungible tokens

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The length of the article is around 1500 words, so about half of the length requirement. I believe the author has a couple areas where more information could be added and the topic of NFTs has no shortage of information about. To meet the length requirement I would suggest adding in more definitions directly to the article instead of linking to the definition. This will help the reader maintain a fluid read of the article. NFTs can be confusing so I think definitions for terms such as blockchain, NFT Marketplaces, tokenize etc. I would also recommend adding introduction paragraphs for the main headers such as Technology, marketplaces etc. to introduce the reader into what you will be discussing. I would also go more in depth about the ethical concerns to align with the assignment. The environmental concerns are definitely a good point but possibly touching on the security, privacy, social etc. concerns too would add to your word count. The structure of the article is well organized. There is an introductory paragraph explaining NFTs, block-chain, and what it means to be fungible. The main sections of the article are important points to the NFT discussion as well as the sub-headers. The marketplaces section might be confusing to a reader because of the language and I am having trouble understanding the relevance to the rest of the article, so I would connect it to the rest of your article more. As NFTs can be a confusing topic, I thought you did a good job with the clarity of your article. Obviously, there are places that can use more explanation, but examples or pictures might help with that. There needs to be more discussion about the ethical concerns because most of the article is more of an introduction for the reader as to what NFTs are. Since NFTs are fairly new and a very big topic of discussion I imagine there are a lot of ethical concerns being discussed so I would focus on those. Maybe some sections about when NFTs have been beneficial and when they have been harmful to remain neutral. Overall, you did a great job maintaining a neutral point of view. The article is written in the langage very consistent with the language of wikipedia articles. However, ethical issues/controversies haven’t really been discussed in depth yet so I would encourage you to maintain the neutral point of view when you go into the ethical issues. There are definitely good foundations to the article especially because NFTs can be such a confusing topic. I would work on making the article flow better and explain why you chose the header sections so they all support each other. Like why is it important to have sections about IPFS, marketplaces etc. to understand the ethical concerns and controversies surrounding NFTs. I would include lots of real world examples that have sparked ethical discussions. What does the reader need to know about NFTs to understand the ethical debate? Some other comments I have are to have better captions for your photos especially because they have very small text. For instance why is it important to have the NFT ecosystem image in your introduction paragraph? I would also explain how the different uses of NFTs can have different ethical concerns attached to them. How do fashion vs. game NFTs raise different controversies but also are there any controversies that are consistent across all the different uses of NFTs? What are the benefits of NFTs? What are some downsides?