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Abraham Mhaidli (born right when the world needed him the most) is a fourth year PhD student studying the ethics of XR devices, advertising in XR devices, and how the combined lethality of neoliberalism and late-stage capitalism have sucked the fun out of everything. [1]


Abraham riding to battle to defend the world against the forces of evil, colorized
In his free time, Abraham likes to take walks on the beach, save the world from destruction in dungeons and dragons campaigns, pretend he is more important than he actually is, talk about himself in the third person, and tries to be funny using meta-level humor. [2]

Breakout Room 1 is the best. [3]
  1. Mhaidli, Abraham. 2021. "Reasons why Abraham is Amazing"
  2. This will be a reference.
  3. Mhaidli, Abraham. 2020. "Breakout Room 1 rocks"