Talk:Laura McCallum

From SI410
Revision as of 19:49, 17 February 2020 by Czawideh (Talk | contribs) (Caitlyn Zawideh's peer review comments)

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Caitlyn Zawideh's Comments:

Hi Laura, I really like the style you decided to write your data identity statement in. It's definitely interesting to think about how someone other that yourself would perceive your data identity when they don't have the context of knowing you personally to fill in the gaps. I think your "unlikely criminal" section is great because it's well-written and funny in addition to raising a good point about data brokers not considering context with the data they scrape. I think it might be interesting in your next draft if you talked more about the idea that the data broker was able to collect all this information on you, but it couldn't figure out that it would have been impossible for you to have expired plates in 1998. Overall great job and good luck with your revisions!