User talk:Kaylawi

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Revision as of 02:48, 20 February 2019 by Serenesa (Talk | contribs)

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I like that you put into consideration how common your name is, I think I know a few Kayla Williams as well. Seriously, like no one would be able to find you. My only suggestion would be maybe to weave in the Floridi concept we learned in class more? I thought it was really interesting and would love to see you elaborate on your current examples or by adding more. I liked at the end where you evaluated the actual usefulness of the Data Broker site and expounded upon what it should have been and how it related to the actual definition. In addition, great job assessing how your own personal beliefs and experiences align with what Wikipedia defines a data broker as. I think it was a nice choice to site a video to help with explaining and getting your point across. I think you did a fairly thorough assessment of your data identity relative to who you consider the real you to be, but I think there is definitely more room to elaborate on that assessment. In terms of the quality of your writing, I found it easy to follow and very engaging.