Talk:Amanda Gomez

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Revision as of 01:12, 19 February 2019 by Vamsiky (Talk | contribs)

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Comment by Joseph Stempel:

I appreciate your identification of the contrast between your four selves. This was a super interesting perspective on divergent identities. Your inclusion of the “sex offenders nearby” image was a nice touch. Your statement regarding your genuine identity being a blend between these four online depictions is well-put. However, I wish you took this a bit further and/or explained how this relationship may connect to some course concepts. Also, I wonder if your online persona really is a “somewhat perfect version” of yourself, as you describe in your conclusion; it would be helpful if you defined “perfect” in this context. Does perfect mean absolutely accurate? Or does it mean that you are portrayed as “good”? Overall, you effectively juxtapose your two identities - and your statement was organized logically (the headings were helpful with flow as well).

Comment by Vamsi Yadav:

Your online data analysis was a novel and insightful exploration of your internet identity. Your exploration of the discrete facets of your personal identity effectively captured the main idea pervasive throughout your data analysis. Your use of the "professional self" to display exactly how one of your many selves, may be perceived worked well to further elucidate this main point. Though I liked that you touched upon the potential ramifications of such a unidirectional view of someone’s identity, I believe your conclusion could be improved by considering why there exists such a segmentation of your online identity in the first place. Moreover, I felt that your analysis of the implications of this segmentation could benefit from further describing the ethical/philosophical significance of such a representation of your identity. For example, would the inclusion of all 4 segments of yourself online provide a perception of you that you would want/desire? And how has this segmentation served in structuring your own view of your personal identity. Such additions could serve to bring back the reader's focus to the main ideas you opened with, and provide a more thorough exploration of the "plural self". Overall this was a well thought out data profile!