Facebook Messenger

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Facebook Messenger is an instant messaging tool implicated through Facebook. It is a part of Facebook but now requires its own separate app in order to use. There are many other messaging applications competing with Facebook Messenger. Facebook Messenger has
The two different apps required to use Facebook Messenger.
started incorporating different tools such as the microphone and location sharing that are causing privacy concerns from users.

What is it

Facebook “chat” was first released on Facebook in 2011. This chat service was part of Facebook and could be accessed by entering the social media platform via phone or computer. In April 2014, Facebook changed the name from “chat” to Facebook Messenger and created a separate application for devices. In order to access the Facebook Messaging platforms from a mobile device, the Messenger app must be downloaded.[1]

By 2015 about 600 million Facebook users utilized this new Messenger platform.[2] By 2016 the algorithm for Facebook Messenger changed to a chat box at the bottom of one’s screen. In 2017, Facebook relaunched the design of Facebook Messenger for Android and iOS users. This included a new home screen to allowed for organization through tabs of categories and content and also red dots indicating unopened activity.


Location Sharing

Microphone Access



Ethical concerns (Privacy)


Location Sharing


  1. https://www.theverge.com/2014/11/6/7170791/mark-zuckerberg-finally-explains-why-he-forced-you-to-download-the
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mariyayao/2017/10/12/from-gloom-to-glam-the-evolution-of-facebook-messenger-chatbots/#7cd1006c3abd