Talk:Luke Justice

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Revision as of 23:27, 22 February 2018 by Jaiki (Talk | contribs)

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I really enjoyed reading you wiki page! I appreciated the honesty that you portrayed to the reader and I felt like I was able to understand your online identity and you as a person a lot more. It seems that you have put some thought into your online identity and it really reflects how you are with strangers vs friends/family. To make this piece better, I feel that it would be interesting to describe how you plan to portray yourself in the future. After analyzing your social media, will you begin to posts more things or are you content with how things already are. Overall, really great piece! :) - Laurita Mansour

Hey Luke!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post, and thought the content was fantastic! You explained your online identity clearly, and used some solid examples to better convey to me how there are clearly different variants of your online Facebook identity, depending on the Facebook environment you are in.

I felt like I was having a very personal face to face conversation while reading your post, and applaud you for your openness. Your descriptions on your online identity functionings served to properly showcase the formation of your identity and how it derives from you in real life, along with showing how your identity has changed (or not) and how it changes depending on the environment you are in. The overall structure of your post was great in my opinion. You had an excellent hook (honestly, I didn’t even think your profile was bland) and it got my attention, letting me infer what the post would be about. The examples you use regarding your personal posts, your MSC activity, and then your family interactions over Facebook added greatly to this, and helped create an intimate and relatable dialogue for me to follow. The overall flow was great as well, and I enjoyed seeing how the different factions of your Facebook presence tied together into who you are online.

With regards to feedback/criticism, there really isn’t too much I can offer. This was incredibly personable and a great read. The one thing that stuck out to me the most was in the first paragraph of the “Where is Everything?” section, where you said you “..have no control”. I don’t know about you, but to me this sounds really weird and out of place. Based on the context, I don’t even really agree with this statement, and think it could be better to say something like “it suits me”. With this, I think it would be cool to expand on your conclusion, and discuss a bit about how you will utilize information from this reflection. Will you change how you portray yourself in the future? Will you further categorize your online self based on the environment you are in? What are the main lessons that you take away from this, and how do you see yourself using them in the future?

Overall, it definitely looks like you engaged with this assignment and gave it a genuine effort, and I feel like I’ve walked away from the post having learned a lot about you, even though we have yet to meet in person!

Great Job :) -Jaik Prasad