Talk:Jeremy Kaplan

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Revision as of 00:38, 22 November 2012 by Dbcclarke (Talk | contribs) (First Comment - David Clarke)

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First Comment - David Clarke

Hey Jeremy,

I like your autobiography, I've read many of the avatars and yours is by far the most interesting and genuine. One thing that I like about your profile is that you say that you have never deleted on your wall or timeline. It's interesting that you say that some events in your life are not presented on your timeline which adds to your profile being less authentic. You many want to consider adding important events to your timeline so that people can have a better view of you. Since there is not much that you add personally to your profile; you might want to write about how people might actually view you if they knew that about you. They could think that you are a lazy individual and that you do not care how you depict yourself... just an idea.

I think that it was interesting that you said that you don't have any privacy settings. What might outside people, looking in, think about that? Also, I think you should expand on how you can accurately be depicted even if you rarely contribute to your profile. Since most of the contributions to your profile come from your peers, it may be misleading to other viewers. I think that if you have restrictions on your profile such as more privacy settings, hidden photos from your timeline, and denied friend requests, lol, then people will see more of your values; just a thought.

Overall, I like how genuine your profile is, and how minimal your contributions are to your profile, but yet it depicts a portion of yourself; interesting.

Have a Great Thanksgiving!