Talk:Dakota D. Lewis

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Hey Dakota- I enjoyed reading your digital identity. You bring up a really interesting point about the public nature of the Internet and how someone people might want to stay less engaged in an online setting. I think it would be useful to expand further on some of the points you make in that section. For example, you mentioned that safety of controlled interactions, and you could expand on that a little by citing a few sources or giving some specific personal details. From your introduction paragraph, it seems like your thesis is more about keeping a low profile online, but you could still give examples about how you do that. You do a great job of explaining why you do it, but I think giving more examples would help strengthen your argument even further. Lastly, I think the section on Studio_1201 is pretty interesting, and you should try to add on more to it so you can relate it back to an overall thesis. For example, you could talk about how even though you prefer to stay more private with your personal data, there are certain cases where you have to be more public with your information. As the co-founder of a company, it would probably be pretty hard to stay completely private. I think you make some interesting points throughout your identity, but you could definitely add a lot more to the sections to make your arguments stronger. Overall, good job. - Ian Mascarenhas

Hannah Weirens: Dakota did a great job of assessing his data identity. He went into depth on how his online presence is quite disconnected from the real Dakota Lewis and how he chooses to use his social media profiles for networking purposes (especially for his design firm, Studio_1201). I really enjoyed his introduction where he described himself, as we would not know much about him online otherwise as he pointed out. He made a really interesting point about his name and discrimination in the labor market, and how people may not know his gender and/or race when hearing/reading his name. I found Dakota’s writing to be very easy to follow as there were no grammatical errors and the logical flow was on-point. I think for his final version Dakota could add a section just to wrap up his data identity profile. Overall, I really enjoyed reading about Dakota and his data identity!