Talk:Kayla Wiggins

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Comment from Emily Dershowitz:

Kayla, I really enjoyed reading your Data Identity Statement! I really liked how descriptive your introduction was (especially the details about what kind of laptop you had and the peace sign sticker on it) as it really helped me connect better with your piece and picture what you were talking about. I also liked how you incorporated the quote from Safiya Noble as it does a great job at furthering your point about how people generally only really look at the first page of search results. I also found it really interesting how your search results were pretty scattered until you used “University of Michigan” in your search. I thought the first image you used in your piece (the one where you left your Facebook account logged in somewhere and someone else was posting things from your account) was really funny. One thing I might consider is maybe referencing that photo or incident in your actual statement so that the image can be tied in with the rest of your piece. Even though it's really funny, I feel like right now it's kind of random and not really connected to anything. Ultimately, I think you did a great job and readers will definitely be able to see and understand your assessment of your online self compared to your offline self!

Comment from Alex Sterchele: Hi Kayla, this was a really interesting piece as you already had a background in searching your name on the internet and were very self-aware of your identity online. I especially enjoyed how you tied in on the last paragraph how your racial identity can therefore impact your online identity. I’d recommend analyzing this idea even more as it was compelling and something I’d like to learn more about. What experiences or issues have arisen that have discouraged Black communities to hide their online identity? Adding in your own custom ideas would help connect the reader even more. I also think this would be something that could be interesting to mention in your thesis and analyze it with your search findings. This was a great read that was extremely informative and helped me understand how being a part of different communities can impact how you want your online identity to be perceived!