John Wisniewski

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Hi! Nice to meet you, my name is John (you can call me Jon or John whatever you want). If you wanna learn more about me feel free to read About John Wisniewski. I know you probably came to this page expecting a highly polished essay about my online identity: however, I wanted to make something a bit more personal. I don't know what inspired this or if I'll end up keeping this page like this, but as for now buckle up and enjoy the story of my online identity. If there's one thing I've learned (and that I hope to convey) it's that I live under the illusion of data privacy.

public information

Not a whole lot of my information is public. I have worked very hard to make sure that my information is private (at least to outside viewers). When you look me up (like "john Wisniewski") no results about me come up. This is mainly because there is a prominent politician that shares my name (if you haven't ascertained, my name is pretty popular). He looks a little bit like Joe Biden and also appears to have finished serving in the New Jersey legislature (he also asserts that my last name is pronounced incorrectly)[1].

private information

what do I think?

  1. Wikipedia:JohnWisniewski