Talk:Ben Rogers

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Revision as of 03:16, 19 February 2020 by Akashbaj (Talk | contribs)

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Hi Ben,

I found your data identity analysis really interesting, especially considering you grew up while the Internet was growing as well and you might not have had the same mindset as I had while using the web. Our experiences have a pretty large contrast. Your name seems to be extremely common, while I cannot find another person who has the same name as mine. I found it funny how you are in a group with people with your same name and kind of wish I could have that connection with a bunch of other people named Serena. Your reflection on Dean Cocking's piece appropriately expanded on the ideas presented in their paper while applying it to your life.

For your revision, there are a couple points you brought up in your post that I think would be worthwhile to expand on. You said you had no concerns with privacy and posted "bad stuff" online. Did any of this have repercussions in your life? Do you think you would have posted this online today? Lastly, I really enjoyed all your images, but I think it would be helpful if your images lined up with when you spoke about them in your piece.

Great post!

- Serena Sabuda


Hi Ben,

I really enjoyed reading your analysis of your digital identity. I related a lot to your childhood ignorance of joining multiple online platforms and using some part of your name as your screen name. I did the same thing as a kid so I assumed that when you would google me these accounts would come up, but alas they did not make a difference. I enjoyed reading your profile because I thought it was interesting to see how someone with such a common name would have a different data identity than I do. Aside from your shared name with someone famous it seems we still both have a relatively scarce data identity report. Overall I thought you followed the assignment well in explaining and analyzing your online identity. In regards to what you could edit, there is a broken file link which is a simple fix. Also, I thought you were a little repetitive. You mention and explain things like The Ben Rogers Foundation and the other thousands of Ben Rogers out there multiple times. Maybe you could just have a one-sentence explanation about these things to give context, but then analyze their importance or effect on your data identity in greater detail later on.

-Akash Bajpai