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Microtransactions also commonly known as MTX is the purchasing of virtual products with real world currencies. Typically these have been implemented as a means of providing developers of free-to-play games with revenue in order to continue development of said games. While they are available on virtually any platform, we have seen a significant increase in their use in the mobile games market. In a study done by Slice Intelligence, we learned that mobile players spent an average of $87 on free-to-play games while PC/Console players spent around $5 on average. Depending on how micro transactions are implemented these games can be called "pay-to-win" in which the purchasing of these virtual currencies are needed to make significant progress in the game, contradicting the whole free-to-play game aspect. Other games provide "loot boxes" in which players purchase these as a means of obtaining more desirable items or features that allow players to save time obtaining these by playing the game. The entire model is based on the idea that providing these virtual currencies will provide more profit than selling the game through a one-time-purchase.


Ethical Issues with Microtransactions

The growing popularity of mobile games through the iOS and Android Playstore have allowed many smaller developers the opportunity to put out content either paid or free-to-play.

Common Terms and Shortcuts

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See Also

External Links

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