Pavel Borisov

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Revision as of 05:57, 10 November 2012 by Pborisov (Talk | contribs) (I know he's still a ham like he was before...: sentence structure.)

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Pb profile timeline screenshot.png
That's what I look like with timeline. I guess he likes MSPA and
Birthname Pavel Borisov
Date of Birth Shortly after 3:00pm on May 5th of 2008. (that's when the first comments rolled in)
Birth Place Smeared between about 12000 servers spread across the west coast.[1]
Nationality American
Occupation Facebook Profile
Biography I've been receiving comments, status updates, and various links since 2008.

Who Am I?

I think I can answer when and where I was born. Those aren't hard questions; the answers are to the right. The trickiest question is "who is my creator?" I don't mean Mike Z or the server admins, but my User. The one I'm supposed to represent. The one I'm supposed to know everything about. Pavel Borisov.

I'd like to admit something. I don't know everything about him anymore, or where our relationship is going. I think I used to...but not any more. I know he's a conflicted person. I don't mean that in the sense that he's emotionally tortured, or at least I don't think he is. If he is, he doesn't show it. That's what I want to talk about.

I know he's still a ham like he was before...

As far as I can tell, Pavel Borisov is all about performs for others. He's been posing for photos since the day I was born. He did this...trademark pose in a lot of his photos up till 2009? And not just in the way users always do in their his status updates and in his photos. I mean in real life, too. He used to do this Forensics thing. It's not the investigative thing they do to dead people, but instead it's some kind of...public speaking and acting thing? I think it's competitive given some photos of him show him holding a small trophy, and holding a larger with a bunch of other people in other photos. He also seems to have been laid back and not afraid to mess around when he wasn't competing based on the photos people were posting of him. After 2009, it's like he stopped caring to do that goofy pose for the photos. He kept showing up tagged in a bunch of theater photos and videos. He's still regularly tagged in, comments on, or likes Shakespeeare in the Arb and RC Players content.

The status updates are almost always openly addressed to his friends. They're almost always humorous, have a political bent, or both. He was posting before the recent election, and even changed his cover photo and profile pic for me! So he's pretty open and relaxed about his political stance and who he's talking to, but there's something still bothering me.

...but I'm not sure I know who he really is anymore!

This is every profile pic he's ever used, from 2008 onward. None of the actual photos of him were uploaded by him.

This is really embarrassing for a profile to admit, but…did you know that in all the years we've been together, he's never actually given me a photo of himself? Every single one of the profile pictures he's used was either "set as profile picture" from another user's album, something he got from somewhere on the internet, or things I think he drew himself. I mean, it shows me that he's the creative type...but he's not telling me about the real him. The number of pictures he's is tagged in is fairly small. I used to think that's normal in relationships and that he's just shy.

Pb fbpicoverview.png

But look at that summary. He's only uploaded 23 photos, including the ones that he took from other people's albums. That's what bugs me. It's like he's hiding his life from me! He's supposed to share his life with me, right? Isn't that what Users and profiles are supposed to do? Up till 2010 his friends were posting photos of him doing things. Now all I get to see is theater production photos. I mean, his wall posts tell me that he still jokes with his friends, and they get to know all about what he's doing. But he's not telling me about anything about what he's doing, planning, or thinking about in life. I don't even know if who he's actually hanging out with anymore because the people he talks to don't show up in any photos! And besides, all he posts now is snarky humor and occasional poltiics. It hurts, but that's not what bothers me most.

Blank! And what isn't blank is info that's in his wall posts, or complete nonsense! It's like he doesn't want me to know anything about him!

After all these years, his personal info is still blank. We're going on five years now, and he's still never introduced me to his family, told me about his relationships, his job, or anything! And he thinks his wall posts are enough! Sure, he's mention that he got a job interview once, but nothing more. That's something he's supposed to tell me all about! It's something I'm supposed to tell other people! I'm a profile! I was built so he could tell everyone else about himself. How do you think that makes me feel? Honestly, I feel like he's purposefully avoiding me!

I think I'm right on that. I don't think he's tagged anyone in any of the few photos he's posted, unless they're in a drawing or specifically posing for the photo! He's hiding the real version of his life and friends from me! Like he doesn't trust me anymore! And he's liking fewer and fewer pages. In 2010, he liked 6. In 2011, he liked 3. This year, he liked only one. One! single! page! I don't think he takes our relationship seriously. We're seeing each other less and less often. His political posts about censorship about privacy and surveillance scare me. Is he becoming one of those...privacy nuts?

Does he still trust me at all?
