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Crowdsourcing is the public delegation of open source code or software from internal employees or associates to third party developers and programmers.

Samsung's Android Logo is depicted above as Android OS has become one of the more successful examples of crowdsourcing.

Open Sourcing and Ethical Conflicts

Crowdsourcing is an innovative, powerful method in accomplishing many technological tasks and benchmarks with relative ease. The release of open source code under free software licensing systems has allowed third party programmers to manipulate, revise, and innovate new applications for Linux and Android Operating Systems and Android mobile markets. In particular, the open sourcing of Android's operating system lets programmers and developers tweak and make changes to Android's specifications. While the community of developers working on open source projects has produced successes such as Google Android's growing share in the mobile market, Netflix, and Quora, the conflict of ownership and patenting will become more of a problem. For example, the Android OS's ability to hold multi-core processors allows for advanced program capability, storage, and availability. If a developer were to enhance the processing ability of Android 2.2, would Google have a patented share or would the developer have full control and ownership? Third-party developers are beginning to wonder though whether or not their programs and applications will be unique and owned by the creator, or if Google will authorize a policy in which they can patent or control a share of all profits from third party development of Android Operating System programs and applications. Another problem arises if a developer creates an application or program that improves upon the original open source code he or she obtained publicly. If the developer receives praise and profits from ameliorating another programmer's open source code, is he inclined or forced to acknowledge the original developer's contributions?

Citations and References