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Hola, my name is Ola and I am a business owner and entrepreneur.  I am 32 years old and I am from Campeche, Mexico. One day, a journalist will interview me and say, "Ola, how did you become this famous and rich? Is it the beautiful way you style your hair? Or maybe that you are so rich from how famous you became after your numerous and memorable soap box derby championships?"  I am still awaiting my response from a letter I wrote a Los Angeles Times journalist about our future interview that will inspire little children to be just like me.  I currently own and work at Video Mart in Los Angeles. I know what your thinking, "Ola, what a joke he is" right? This job I have is simply a stepping stone.  I told the Los Angeles Times journalist that when I own the whole Video Mart chain, I will transform the chain into something a little bit different.  My genius idea is to be the creator and founder of  the first "Ola's 99 cent store"...stores and become rich and famous. Why would someone want to go to "the fancy dollar store" when they can get all the same stuff from a better and slightly less expensive 99 cent store? After I make enough money from the "Ola's 99 cent store" chain, I will soon leave this town and become famous by buying my first soap box car and chasing my american dream of becoming a professional soap box derby driver.
Hola, my name is Ola and I am a business owner and entrepreneur.  I am 32 years old and I am from Campeche, Mexico. One day, a journalist will interview me and say, "Ola, how did you become this famous and rich? Is it the beautiful way you style your hair? Or maybe that you are so rich from how famous you became after your numerous and memorable soap box derby championships?"  I am still awaiting my response from a letter I wrote a Los Angeles Times journalist about my future interview that will inspire little children to be just like me.  I currently own and work at Video Mart in Los Angeles. I know what your thinking, "Ola, that guy is a nobody" right? This job I have is simply a stepping stone.  In my letter to the Los Angeles Times journalist, I told him that when I own the whole Video Mart chain, I will transform the chain into something a little bit different.  My idea is to be the creator and founder of  the first "Ola's 99 cent" stores and become rich and famous. Why would someone want to go to "the fancy dollar store" when they can get all the same stuff from a better and slightly less expensive 99 cent store? After I make enough money from the "Ola's 99 cent store" chain, I will soon leave this town and become famous by buying my first soap box car and chasing my american dream of becoming a professional soap box derby driver. Then I will prove to everyone that I am more than just a "nobody."

Latest revision as of 16:41, 3 October 2011

Hola, my name is Ola and I am a business owner and entrepreneur. I am 32 years old and I am from Campeche, Mexico. One day, a journalist will interview me and say, "Ola, how did you become this famous and rich? Is it the beautiful way you style your hair? Or maybe that you are so rich from how famous you became after your numerous and memorable soap box derby championships?" I am still awaiting my response from a letter I wrote a Los Angeles Times journalist about my future interview that will inspire little children to be just like me. I currently own and work at Video Mart in Los Angeles. I know what your thinking, "Ola, that guy is a nobody" right? This job I have is simply a stepping stone. In my letter to the Los Angeles Times journalist, I told him that when I own the whole Video Mart chain, I will transform the chain into something a little bit different. My idea is to be the creator and founder of the first "Ola's 99 cent" stores and become rich and famous. Why would someone want to go to "the fancy dollar store" when they can get all the same stuff from a better and slightly less expensive 99 cent store? After I make enough money from the "Ola's 99 cent store" chain, I will soon leave this town and become famous by buying my first soap box car and chasing my american dream of becoming a professional soap box derby driver. Then I will prove to everyone that I am more than just a "nobody."