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This Is a comment. - Jacob Kreinik
Before I make comments on the parts I think you should improve, I believe that this post does many things well. You have a good structure in terms of writing and flow and how you format your wiki page. Everything leads into the next section well and your pictures are relevant to the topic you are discussing. Additionally, I think you do a good job of depicting you social media personality and usage in a chronological matter.
you mention that you thought there was good reason for Facebook having a minimum age requirement and say that when first using the platform, you did not fully understand the consequences of your posts at that age. If you are comfortable, give an example of some of the “jokes” or “plans made” in the “early days” on Facebook. I think this would highlight your early Facebook personality and give readers more context of what you mean by posing content that is considered more private now.
As Reeya mentioned, I think that your Floridi reference could use some build up before its introduction. 1-2 sentences of context explaining Floridi’s concept would flow more seamlessly into your point regarding the relationship between information friction and privacy.
I like how you transition into Instagram and show how you and your friends started to use the platform. You clearly depicted that your goal was to get as many likes as possible and the ways in which you achieved this. One suggestion I have would to describe the differences between Instagram and Facebook and possibly state why you thought the two platforms tailored to different activity. Another nice thing to bring up would be that Instagram tailored to following celebrities and other random accounts to get news, information, or funny content. I think this would transition nicely into your use of Twitter and why it has become your now favorite form of social media. This transition piece may give you more content to speak on in your final section.
Overall very strong post. However, this could benefit from a re-reading. There are just a few places where you include an extra word or two. After Making all these fixes, I think your post will be top quality. Look forward to reading the finished version. - Jacob Kreinik (jkreinik)

Revision as of 15:56, 21 February 2018


Before I make comments on the parts I think you should improve, I believe that this post does many things well. You have a good structure in terms of writing and flow and how you format your wiki page. Everything leads into the next section well and your pictures are relevant to the topic you are discussing. Additionally, I think you do a good job of depicting you social media personality and usage in a chronological matter.

you mention that you thought there was good reason for Facebook having a minimum age requirement and say that when first using the platform, you did not fully understand the consequences of your posts at that age. If you are comfortable, give an example of some of the “jokes” or “plans made” in the “early days” on Facebook. I think this would highlight your early Facebook personality and give readers more context of what you mean by posing content that is considered more private now.

As Reeya mentioned, I think that your Floridi reference could use some build up before its introduction. 1-2 sentences of context explaining Floridi’s concept would flow more seamlessly into your point regarding the relationship between information friction and privacy.

I like how you transition into Instagram and show how you and your friends started to use the platform. You clearly depicted that your goal was to get as many likes as possible and the ways in which you achieved this. One suggestion I have would to describe the differences between Instagram and Facebook and possibly state why you thought the two platforms tailored to different activity. Another nice thing to bring up would be that Instagram tailored to following celebrities and other random accounts to get news, information, or funny content. I think this would transition nicely into your use of Twitter and why it has become your now favorite form of social media. This transition piece may give you more content to speak on in your final section.

Overall very strong post. However, this could benefit from a re-reading. There are just a few places where you include an extra word or two. After Making all these fixes, I think your post will be top quality. Look forward to reading the finished version. - Jacob Kreinik (jkreinik)

Reeya Shah(reeyas): This is a great post and offers a new perspective on Facebook and Instagram. I think in the beginning you could add a sentence about how you will be talking about your transition from Facebook and Instagram to offer more clarity to your Instagram screenshot at the top as opposed to a picture from Facebook. Before you start talking about Floridi when discussing your identity on Facebook, I think it would be helpful to add a sentence leading into his concept. This would help make that part of your post flow better. I liked how you described your transition to Instagram. I think you made really good points about the platform that are often not spoken about such as posting at “primetime” and establishing a presence on the platform by the number of likes you get on a picture. You tied this well into how this impacted your own identity, however, I think if you picked a specific post and explained how you presented yourself that would have been really helpful. I also think you could have added more course concepts into your post. For example, when describing your Instagram identity, a concept about your authentic self could have been added. I enjoyed reading the last part of your post because you tied it back to using Facebook and your transition to other platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Great post!