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I really enjoyed your autobiography and how you stressed the fact that your real life and virtual avatar are interwoven, not separate entities. Many times, people's virtual portrayal of their life is completely different from the reality. In your case, you believe that to truly understand you, people need to understand your real identity as well as your internet identity. I particularly liked that you said, "I choose to utilize my avatar as a component to my personality." This shows that you proactively decide how you want to be portrayed virtually. I thought your autobiography has great flow, starting from when you decided to create your Facebook account to acknowledging that it is a dynamic portrayal of yourself to actual descriptions of components of your Facebook profile to your overall view on how/why you utilize Facebook. I think your real character shines through when you talk about "Likes" section. You mention that you don't want people to judge you solely on the likes you have liked. I think this gives me a peek into the kind of person you are, which shows how genuine your writing is. -Kaitlin
I really enjoyed your autobiography and how you stressed the fact that your real life and virtual avatar are interwoven, not separate entities. Many times, people's virtual portrayal of their life is completely different from the reality. In your case, you believe that to truly understand you, people need to understand your real identity as well as your internet identity. I particularly liked that you said, "I choose to utilize my avatar as a component to my personality." This shows that you proactively decide how you want to be portrayed virtually. I thought your autobiography has great flow, starting from when you decided to create your Facebook account to acknowledging that it is a dynamic portrayal of yourself to actual descriptions of components of your Facebook profile to your overall view on how/why you utilize Facebook. I think your real character shines through when you talk about "Likes" section. You mention that you don't want people to judge you solely on the likes you have liked. I think this gives me a peek into the kind of person you are, which shows how genuine your writing is. -Kaitlin

Revision as of 07:02, 21 November 2012

Your autobiography was thorough, and had a fresh perspective on a woven relationship between one's online and offline identities. Namely, that you only believe you have one and that both are a part of it. I think you proved that point well, providing plenty or details about primary and secondary aspects of your facebook profile as examples of important and not-so-important aspects of your identity. Your theme seems to be this interwoven identity and how facebook informs this identity, which was greatly executed. My only suggestion would be to change your first paragraph. It seemed like you were going to focus more on how your behaviors on facebook have changed with your self perception or simply with time, and instead in the next section we see the true idea of this entry. Other than that, illustrations were nicely laid out and plentiful to keep it interesting. Good job. -Sean Thomas


I really enjoyed your autobiography and how you stressed the fact that your real life and virtual avatar are interwoven, not separate entities. Many times, people's virtual portrayal of their life is completely different from the reality. In your case, you believe that to truly understand you, people need to understand your real identity as well as your internet identity. I particularly liked that you said, "I choose to utilize my avatar as a component to my personality." This shows that you proactively decide how you want to be portrayed virtually. I thought your autobiography has great flow, starting from when you decided to create your Facebook account to acknowledging that it is a dynamic portrayal of yourself to actual descriptions of components of your Facebook profile to your overall view on how/why you utilize Facebook. I think your real character shines through when you talk about "Likes" section. You mention that you don't want people to judge you solely on the likes you have liked. I think this gives me a peek into the kind of person you are, which shows how genuine your writing is. -Kaitlin