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*7. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/college/story/2012-08-20/University-of-Kentucky-and-University-of-Louisville-student-athletes-monitored-on-Twitter/57165704/1
*7. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/college/story/2012-08-20/University-of-Kentucky-and-University-of-Louisville-student-athletes-monitored-on-Twitter/57165704/1
*8. Jump Forward Form, found at https://college.jumpforward.com/index.aspx and logging in
*8. Jump Forward Form, found at https://college.jumpforward.com/index.aspx and logging in
*9. Article of the 4th Amendment on Wikipedia
*9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution

Revision as of 19:48, 12 October 2012

Student-Athlete Social Media Monitoring is the active monitoring of social media channels by the use of search engine technology to “listen” for specific keywords for information about a company, organization, or person, specifically, a Student-Athlete (1 and 2). University athletic departments and administrators hire third-party companies to track and monitor their student athletes’ online activity, identity, and reputation. Often student athletes are required to either provide all social media networking usernames or install tracking software. It is often mandatory for student athletes to consent to having their online activity followed in order to participate on the team (3).

Overview and Goals

Third-party social-media monitoring companies are hired by athletic departments to monitor not only what student athletes post online, but also to monitor what is posted about their student athletes. The goal of social media monitoring is to prevent the misuse of social media that can negatively affect the brand of the institution or athlete. It is also used to promote proper use of social media for athletes that can uphold the positive reputation of the institution and make the student more marketable as an athlete and future employee (4).


Third Party Companies

Student-Athlete social media monitoring companies appeal to the institutions’ athletic departments by promising to continuously and actively monitor the social media pages of student athletes. This is done in order to quickly identify and revoke any potentially damaging or embarrassing media coverage for the institution. They also ensure the ability for the department to enforce that the institution’s code of conduct is followed online and to prevent any negative impact on the institution’s reputation. The software is also advertised as just pennies per athlete (5).

To appease the potential agitation of student athletes, the companies provide services with the goal to be in the best interest of the student athlete. The companies ensure confidentiality of the student athlete’s digital content. They also note that positive use of social media will prevent any negative impacts on recruiting for future employment or pending scholarship offers for the student athlete (6).


The institution provides a list of trigger words that will produce an alert once it has been identified by the software. Trigger words at institutions such as University of Kentucky and University of Louisville include “porn,” “robbery,” “doobie,” “beer bong,” and “Sam Adams” (3). Once a negative post or potentially damaging post by a student athlete is identified as containing a flagged word, the company notifies a coach, a department representative, or an assistant, often via email. Once the institution has been notified, it is in their hands to implement the discipline or course of action.


Companies such as Varsity Monitor use software that scan, aggregate, and filter social media content (6). Student athletes are required to provide access to their social media sites for such companies in order to participate on their respective team. Other companies, such as UDiligence, use appslications that follow the Terms of Service of the social media networking site. UDiligence advertises this less invasive process by stating they do not require “access to, or use of, the student-athlete's username/password or friending of anyone to monitor their accounts” (5).


Social media monitoring services for the entire athletic department usually cost between $6000 and $7500 annually (7). Other services from the third party companies include educational programs. The programs are designed to educate student athletes on how to positively promote their brand and reputation with the use of social media. The programs also provide examples of damaging posts or content that has resulted in negative consequences for student athletes in the past.

Popular social-media monitoring companies

  • UDiligence
  • Varsity Monitor
  • Centrix Social
  • Jump Forward
  • Socialverse

Schools Utilizing the Services within their athletic departments

  • Texas Tech
  • Texas A&M
  • Baylor
  • University of Florida
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Louisville
  • University of Kentucky


Once an administrator or coach is notified of a flagged word posted by a student athlete, the department or coach may take steps to discipline the student athlete. The punishment may range from a talk with the student athlete, to suspension from a competition, to removal from the team (8), depending on the institution and content of the provocative post.

Ethical Concerns

There are two sides surrounding the legality and morality of student athlete social media monitoring.

Those opposing the practice argue that it violates a student’s First Amendment Rights to freedom of speech. The schools monitor their students’ pages for phrases they do not like or find inappropriate and therefore censor their student athletes. Others argue that it violates a student’s Fourth Amendment Rights, which ensures “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” (9). Those argue that the content of the student athletes’ social media pages, although not a physical object, should also be protected under the Fourth Amendment. This is under the school of thought, first stated by Deborah Johnson, that this technological issue is an extension of a preexisting dilemma, meaning the same ethical theories should be applied (text chapter 2 pg 33). Bradley Shear, a Washington, D.C., attorney equates the practice of monitoring social media content to placing a bug in the student’s residence (7) and he calls the practice “unbelievably outrageous.” Others are concerned that there is sure to be a breach of privacy, and student athletes digital content could potentially be made public (7). Some states, including California, Delaware, and Maryland, are working toward placing a ban on the practice.

Those in favor of the practice, namely athletic department heads and coaches, argue that it is not an invasion of privacy since the content they monitor is actually in a public setting (7). Student athletes are high profile representatives of the institution, and therefore whatever they tweet, put as a status on Facebook, or blog about is a representation of the views of the institution. Because of this, athletic departments and administrators believe it is their right to monitor and track the social media content of their student athletes.
