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The Reddit Alien: Reddit's logo

Reddit.com is a social news site in which users, known as Redditors, can post questions, opinions, user generated content, and links relevant to the interests of the users. [1] Redditors then can “Upvote” or “Downvote” the submission to make then it move toward the front page, the most frequented part of the site. The user who submits the post also receives one point of “Karma” for the each of the Upvotes the post receives, and a negative point of Karma for each Downvote. Karma is amassed in each user’s profile, showing “how much good the user has done for the Reddit community.” [2] The sense of community plays a large role on allowing in the actions of Redditors to act charitably and use Reddit as a place to cultivate gains social capital.


The content of Reddit is decided solely on how users vote. An Upvote makes either the submission or comment rise closer to the top of the page, while Downvotes act in the opposite way. The front page of Reddit contains the submissions most Upvoted by Redditors, and is the most prominent and visible place on the site.


Reddit is comprised of hundreds of sub-Reddits, each narrowly focused on a specific topic. Some large Reddits include ‘world news’, ‘pictures’, and ‘funny’, which are displayed on the front page for all new users. Local Reddits also exist for many major universities and cities around the world, allowing users to schedule and generate interest in meetups.

Karma System

The Karma system acts as a cumulative recommender system in which users receive points, or Karma, for their input to the site. One positive point of Karma is given for each Upvote received, and one negative point is given for each Downvote. A user’s Karma score is displayed in their profile page, separated into two categories, comments and submissions.


Some users believe the Karma system causes problems from people who post or comment in agreement with the majority opinions on the site purely for the purpose of acquiring Karma. According to a comment from a user who has since deleted their account, “Reddit is corrupt, karma invalidates valid opinions in lieu of popularity, in this sense reddit is a celebration of lowest common denominator thought pieces.” [3] Another concern with this points system is the existence of users who “repost” material to gain Karma. Reposting is a problem in an environment like Reddit, because it causes content to be recycled and prevents new content from reaching the front page. Some users believe that Reddit would have better and more original content if the Karma system were removed.

Reddit as a Community

Reddit has developed a sense of community that holds members responsible for their actions. Ethical behavior comes along with this sense of community, as people feel a social responsibility to according to their ethical norms adjusted to the environment. A moral framework called Reddiquette is one way that allows users to adapt to the new moral objects present on Reddit.


According to a statement on the webpage, Reddiquette is “not meant to be a list of commandments”, but more of “an informal expression of reddit’s community values” that helps shape what ethical behavior is on the site. [4] Reddiquette is an extensive set of morals, organized in a set of what to do, which is comprised of twenty items, and a set of what not to do, made up of thirty-seven entries. Some subjects covered in the section of what not to do include personal privacy, complaints about reposts, pleading for votes, and comments that lack content. In the “Please do” section, some topics covered are linking directly to the page of the original source of content, and moderating on the basis of quality, not opinion.

Ethics on Reddit

Reddit has created an environment in which many users act ethically, fostered by the presence of a community that works to make Reddit a better place. Users work together to suppress hateful speech, act charitably, and help fellow Redditors out with either advice or favors. [5] Several sub-Reddits allow users to ask for favors from other users, including /r/favors, and /r/randomactsofpizza, a Reddit in which users can donate pizza to less fortunate Redditors.

There also exists controversial content on Reddit which has come under scrutiny for being immoral. In September 2011, Reddit garnered negative media attention for its subreddit r/jailbait. R/jailbait displays photos of non-nude underage girls in sexually suggestive clothing or positions. Most of these photos were taken from friends of the girls from their Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites. Anderson Cooper featured it on his show AC360, criticizing it for spreading a form of child pornography and arguing it's lack of protection for the privacy of these young girls. This eventually led to the subreddit being shut down with the site administrators claiming it to threaten "the structural integrity of the greater reddit community." [6]

The Reddit community backlashed Anderson Cooper and the media with explanations ranging from freedom of speech and press to the photos not being illegal. Other distasteful subreddits such as r/beatingwomen and r/picsofdeadbabies were also discussed being banned for the same reason as r/jailbait, but currently are still running.


  1. http://www.reddit.com
  2. Reddit Help: Frequently Asked Questions. (n.d.).Retrieved from: http://www.reddit.com/help/faq
  3. Anonymous. (07/2011). Reddit.com: "I love Reddit to death, but sometimes I think Reddit would be better off if it just eliminated accumulation of karma for users". Retrieved from http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/irb53/i_love_reddit_to_death_but_sometimes_i_think/.
  4. Reddit Help:Reddiquette. (n.d.). Retrieved from: http://www.reddit.com/help/reddiquette.
  5. thetacticalpanda (08/2011). Reddit.com Retrieved from http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/jjsws/i_just_received_some_hate_mail_in_my_reddit_inbox/?sort=top
  6. Reddit Staff. (10/2011). Reddit.com/r/jailbait