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'''Civilization''' is a series of turn-based games created by Sid Meier and developed by Firaxis Games. Civilization VI, the most recent game in the series, sold over 2 million copies worldwide in the first 6 months after its release in October 2016<ref>Chan, Stephanie. “Civ VI was a large contributor to Take-Two’s net revenue growth.” Venture Beat.  May 23, 2017.  https://venturebeat.com/2017/05/23/civ-vi-was-a-large-contributor-to-take-twos-net-revenue-growth/</ref> Civilization, the first in its series, was first released in 1991, while the latest expansion pack of Civilization VI, Gathering Storm, was released on February 14, 2019. <ref>”Civilization VI:  Gathering Storm Available Now.”  Civilization.  February 14, 2019.  https://civilization.com/news/entries/civilization-vi-gathering-storm-new-expansion-release-date-pc-february-14-2019.</ref> Civilization VI is available on the PC, iPad, and Nintendo Switch, while Civilization Revolution, released in 2008, is available on the Xbox360, PS3, Nintendo DS, and also mobile platforms such as iOS. <ref> “Civilization VI.”  Civilization.  Accessed April 22, 2019.  https://civilization.com/buy/#civilization-vi/civilization-vi-standard-edition/united-states</ref>The series has sold 40 million copies. <ref> Civilization Revolution Official Site [http://www.civilizationrevolution.com/ Home Page] </ref>
'''Civilization''' is a series of turn-based games created by Sid Meier. It is one of the most popular turn-based strategic games, with 9 millions copies sold around the world according to official site of the game. <ref>CivilizationV Official Site [http://www.civilization5.com/#/information/ Information]</ref> The release of the first game called Civilization happened in 1991, while the latest edition Civilization V Gods and Kings was released in 2012. <ref name="fan">Civ Fanatics Community [http://www.civfanatics.com/ ]</ref> Civilization is available on both Mac and PC and also several of gaming systems such as Xbox360, PS3, Nintendo DS and also mobile platforms such as iOS. <ref> Civilization Revolution Official Site [http://www.civilizationrevolution.com/ Home Page] </ref>
==Game Overview==
==Game Overview==
[[File:civ2.jpeg|thumb|right|The longest game ever played.]]
The main point of the game is to “Build an empire to stand the test of time”. Players can choose leader of which civilization one wants to become. Depending on which edition of the game one is playing the number of civilizations increases. The first game of the series Civilization offered players 14 different civilizations to choose from while the latest edition Civilization V has to offer 34 different civilizations. There are also 8 different levels of difficulty. <ref name = "fan"/>
In the most popular game mode, for a single player, players can pick the size of the map, the length of the game, and the difficulty level and how aggressive the barbarians will be. The game starts in the year 4000BC. Usually a player has two or three units, depending on the civilization, including one, which has to be a settler in order to build the first city. After building the first city, a player has access to foreign advisors, cultural advisors, military advisors, diplomatic advisors and scientific advisors. Each of them is important because they help players to build a well-balanced empire that can stand the test of time. Players can use them in order to decide which technology they want to discover, what unit or which building one wants to build in a city, or who they want to trade with. Advisors also keep players posted on diplomatic and military situations. That helps players to know if other empires might attack them and if so if they are ready to protect themselves. <ref name="wiki">Civilizaton Official Wiki Site [http://wiki.2kgames.com/civ5/index.php]</ref>
The main objective of the game is to “Build an empire to stand the test of time”. Players choose a historical civilization and choose to play as a leader from that civilization. As the series has gone on, the number of civilizations has increased. The first game of the series, Civilization, offered players 14 different civilizations to choose from while Civilization VI offers 39 civilizations<ref name= "wiki"> "Civilization 6," Wikipediak accessed April 22, 2019, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_VI </ref>.
Since Civilization is a turn-based game one has to wait till every other civilization ends their turn in order to make their next moves. This way of playing leads to very long and entertaining games. Civilization is well known from its “one more turn” mode, which is reached after year 2050, when the actual scoring game is ended. It can be very involving for a player. One of the players called Lycerius has been playing one game, in Civilization II, for over ten years. He reached year AD3991.  
In the most popular game mode for a single player, players pick the size of the map, the length of the game, and the difficulty level and how aggressive the computer will be. The game starts in the year 4000BC. Usually a player begins two or three units, depending on the civilization, including a settler who builds the player's the first city. After building the first city, a player has access to foreign affairs advisors, cultural advisors, military advisors, diplomatic advisors and scientific advisors. Each of them is important because they help players to build a well-balanced empire. [[File:civ2.jpeg|200px|thumb|left|The longest game ever played.]]Players can use them in order to decide which technology they want to discover, what unit or which building one wants to build in a city, or who they want to trade with. Advisors also keep players informed of diplomatic and military situations that a player may need to respond to. <ref>>"Advisors",Civilizaton Official Wiki Site, accessed April 22, 2019, https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Advisor.</ref>
<ref> CNN Tech, [http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/18/tech/gaming-gadgets/civilization-ii-ten-years/index.html/ 10-year-long video game creates 'hellish nightmare' world] </ref><ref> Guardian UK, [http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2012/jun/13/civilization-ii-big-brother-orwell-1984/ From Civilization to Big Brother: how a game recreated Orwell's 1984 It turns out that if you play Civilization II for long enough, you enter a world very much like Orwell's 1984. Coincidence?] </ref>
Since Civilization is a turn-based game, the player has to wait until every other civilization ends their turn in order to make their next move. This time between turns means that games can take several hours. Civilization is known for its “one more turn” mode, which is activated after reaching the year 2050 in-game when the actual scoring game is ended. One player, Lycerius has been playing one game, in Civilization II, for over ten years. He has reached the year AD 3991.  
<ref> Frum, Larry, "10-year-long video game creates 'hellish nightmare' world." CNN Business, last modified June 19, 2012 http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/18/tech/gaming-gadgets/civilization-ii-ten-years/index.html/.</ref>
===How to Win===
===How to Win===
In Civilization, players can win in multiple ways, such as: cultural, diplomatic, domination, science time, conquering other civilizations, achieving diplomacy pacts with other civilizations or wining the race to the moon. Here are the exact ways of winning in Civilization 5 <ref name = "wiki"/>
In Civilization, players can win in multiple ways, such as cultural victories, conquering other civilizations, or winning a space race. Here are the exact ways of winning in Civilization 6 <ref>"Victory (Civ6), Civilizaton Official Wiki Site, accessed April 22, 2019, https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Victory_(Civ6).</ref>
* '''Cultural''', in order to achieve cultural victory a player must complete five branches of social policies.
* '''Cultural''', achieved by attracting a large number of tourists to the player's civilization.
*'''Diplomatic''', a player can achieve this type of victory by researching “Globalization” and construction of the United Nations. After that all players in the game are going to vote for the United Nations leader. If the player will be voted then one immediately wins a diplomacy victory.  
*'''Religious''', achieved by making the player's religion the dominant religion across all civilizations.  
*'''Domination''', the last player who will be in control of its own capital city can achieve this victory.  
*'''Domination''', achieved by conquering the capital city of all other players.
*'''Science''', one can achieve this victory by learning all necessary technologies in order to build a space ship parts, then building them and moving it to its capital city.
*'''Science''', achieved by researching advanced technologies and completing a series of space missions.
*'''Time''', the game will end automatically at the end of year 2050. At this time points will be calculated based on empire achievements. After that, a player can still play but one cannot change the result of the game.
*'''Time''', achieved by having the highest score when the game ends automatically at the end of year 2050. After that, a player can still play but cannot change the result of the game.
==Major Releases==
==Major Releases==
<ref name = "fan"/>
<ref> "Civilization," Civilization, accessed April 22, 2019, https://civilization.com/.</ref>
{|class = "wikitable"
{|class = "wikitable"
Line 57: Line 54:
|First Civilization game ever
|First Civilization game  
|Civilization II
|Civilization II
Line 73: Line 70:
|Civilization V
|Civilization V
|Latest edition of the full game not including extension packs
|Civilization Revolution
|Civilization Revolution
|The first game developed for mobile platforms such as iOS and gaming systems
|First game developed for mobile platforms such as iOS and handheld gaming systems
|Civilization World
|Civilization World
| A Beta version of a game created for Facebook
| A Beta version of a game created for Facebook
|Civilization VI
|Latest edition of the full game not including expansion packs
==Ethical Issues==
==Ethical Issues==
===Virtue Ethics and Violence===
Similar to games like [[Call of Duty]], Civilization can be described as a violent computer game. It is different than first person shooters as there is no blood on the screen, but in some ways Civilization might be considered more brutal, as players can destroy whole cities or other civilizations with a large assortment of weapons, including nuclear bombs. Each time the user tries to conquer another player’s city, the user has an option to either occupy it or burn it. Either of these two options could be considered unethical, since war itself is not an ethical action.  
[[File:Civ5_nuclear.jpg|300px|thumb|right|A screenshot of a nuclear bomb detonated in Civ 5.]]
In the ''Civilization'' series, players make choices on how they want to play the game. Among the possibilities, players can choose violence, sacking and burning cities or building nuclear weapons.  As violence is optional in ''Civilization'', and players can win the game without taking any violent actions, players are free to decide whether violence is ethical in gameplay.  Shannon Vallor notes that virtue ethics are not merely what people think or believe, but rather what they do, and what they do repeatedly. <ref> Vallor, Shannon. "Social networking technology and the virtues." ''Ethics and Information Technology'' 12, no. 2 (2010):  157-170. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/files/9617520?module_item_id=590901</ref>  Therefore, players have the opportunity to express and develop their virtues through their choices in the game. As ''Civilization'' can be played online against other people, the expression of these virtues becomes even more important, as it becomes a microcosm of society.
It should be noted that the game itself does not require violence. There are ways to win the game peacefully and even form alliances with other factions so as to limit war. However, most players to not choose to play this way.
===Structural Bias===
The ''Civilization'' series has drawn criticism for its over-simplified view of history.  It has a Eurocentric, imperialistic framing in which civilizations advance along the path that Western civilizations have taken. <ref name= "Poblocki"> Poblocki, Kacper. "Becoming-state:  The bio-cultural imperialism of Sid Meier's Civilization."  ''Focaal - Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology'' 39 (2002):  163-177. https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/bitstream/10593/8609/1/poblocki%20becoming%20state%20and%20sid%20meiers%20civilization.pdf</ref> There are limited options to play different types of civilizations, such as nomadic groups. ''Civilization'' presents the end goal of all civilizations as becoming like the United States and globalizing, ignoring or minimizing the contributions and paths of non-Western civilizations through history.<ref name= "Poblocki" />
This Western-centric focus is at the core of the series.  Phillip Brey notes that information systems are not neutral, but rather have biases and embedded values built into them, knowingly or unknowingly, by their designers. <ref name= "Brey">Brey, Phillip. "Values in technology and disclosive computer ethics." In ''The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics'', edited by Luciano Floridi. 41-58. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2010. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/files/9617491?module_item_id=590847 </ref>  He promotes [[Value Sensitive Design]], in which designers identify morally opaque practices and think about what design choices are made regarding these practices. <ref name= "Brey" /> With Value Sensitive Design, the series may lose its Western bias and reflect other types of civilizations throughout history.
Cheating is another form of ethical issue that has developed from this game. An example is observed in the ethics of politics. Since a player has to interact with leaders of other empires, there is several opportunities for cheating on other leaders. Though layers can promise to help in a war with other empires by accepting a gift from other leaders, they can go against that leader later on in the game. This is demonstrated by attacking other leaders or breaking research agreements. Players can spy on other empires. One can learn about other civilizations’ research plans, development plans or more accurate demographics. Players can also try to develop international conflicts by stealing technologies or units.
Several of the early Civilization games had cheat codes,<ref>"Sid Meier’s Civilization: Cheats."  Civilization Fanatics Center. Accessed April 22, 2019. https://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/cheats/.</ref>, and it is still possible to "cheat" the newer games through the use of hacks, mods, or unfair strategies. <ref>Manlupig, Jr., Mario. "Civilization 6 Hack: How To Exploit The Game And Claim Victory." iTech Post. Last modified October 29, 2016. http://www.itechpost.com/articles/48012/20161029/civilization-6-hack-how-to-exploit-the-game-and-claim-victory.htm</ref>.  Although most of these cheating strategies only work in single-player games, research shows that that just makes players more likely to cheat.  Players are more likely to cheat against a machine than against an actual person, even when the machine has human-like characteristics, such as the AI players in civilization. <ref name= "Cohn">Cohn, Alain, Tobias Gesche, and Michel Maréchal. Honesty in the Digital Age. Working paper no. 280. Department of Economics, University of Zurich. February, 2018. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/modules/items/618259</ref>  There is no consensus on what constitutes cheating in a single-player game, let alone whether it is actually unethical.<ref>Consalvo, Mia. "Gaining Advantage:  How Videogame Players Define and Negotiate Cheating". In ''Cheating:  Gaining Advantage in Videogames''. Cambridge, MA:  MIT Press, 2007. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/files/9617490?module_item_id=590935</ref> However, it is possible to hack the game to allow cheats in multiplayer mode, thus gaining an advantage against a human opponent.  Cheating in multiplayer games harms the experience for the other players, and is more unethical than cheating a computer.<ref name= "Cohn" />
===Violation of Privacy===
Civilization VI generated controversy when it released because it came packaged with an ad-tracking program called Red Shell. <ref name= "redshell">O'Connor, Alice, "Civilization VI removes Red Shell ad-tracking software," Rock Paper Shotgun. July 20, 2018. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/07/20/civilization-vi-removes-red-shell/.</ref>  The program works by secretly recording how often players of the game click on certain advertisements. <ref name= "redshell" />.  This program is especially malicious because it tracks players without their knowledge.
The packaging of this spyware with the game was so problematic because it was a deliberate violation of players' informational privacy, defined by Luciano Floridi as "freedom from informational interference or intrusion." <ref name= "Floridi">Floridi, Luciano, "Privacy:  Informational Friction." In ''The 4th Revolution:  How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality.'' Oxford University Press, 2014. </ref> By secretly installing the software, the game greatly reduced informational friction that players may have wished to maintain, as the adware automatically gathered data about players. <ref name= "Floridi" />  Moreover, by doing this without the players' knowledge, the program removed any control the players may have had over this part of their informational identity. <ref>Shoemaker, David W. "Self-exposure and exposure of the self: informational privacy and the presentation of identity." ''Ethics and Information Technology'' 12, no. 1 (2010): 3-15.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10676-009-9186-x.</ref>.  When players found out about Red Shell being installed with Civilization VI, they created such a controversy, due to the violation of their privacy and the loss of control of their information, that Firaxis, the studio that made the game, removed the software from players' computers. <ref name= "redshell" />
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[Angry Birds]]
*[[Call of Duty]]
*[[Ethics in Computer & Video Games]]
*[[Ethics in Computer & Video Games]]
*[[The Sims 3]]
*[[The Sims 3]]

Latest revision as of 20:05, 22 April 2019

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"Civilization original game cover." wikipedia
Type Video Game
Launch Date 1991
Status Active
Product Line Civilization
Civilization II
Civilization III
Civilization IV
Civilization V
Civilization Revolution
Civilization World
Platform Mac OS X
Website www.civilization.com/

Civilization is a series of turn-based games created by Sid Meier and developed by Firaxis Games. Civilization VI, the most recent game in the series, sold over 2 million copies worldwide in the first 6 months after its release in October 2016[1] Civilization, the first in its series, was first released in 1991, while the latest expansion pack of Civilization VI, Gathering Storm, was released on February 14, 2019. [2] Civilization VI is available on the PC, iPad, and Nintendo Switch, while Civilization Revolution, released in 2008, is available on the Xbox360, PS3, Nintendo DS, and also mobile platforms such as iOS. [3]The series has sold 40 million copies. [4]

Game Overview

The main objective of the game is to “Build an empire to stand the test of time”. Players choose a historical civilization and choose to play as a leader from that civilization. As the series has gone on, the number of civilizations has increased. The first game of the series, Civilization, offered players 14 different civilizations to choose from while Civilization VI offers 39 civilizations[5].

In the most popular game mode for a single player, players pick the size of the map, the length of the game, and the difficulty level and how aggressive the computer will be. The game starts in the year 4000BC. Usually a player begins two or three units, depending on the civilization, including a settler who builds the player's the first city. After building the first city, a player has access to foreign affairs advisors, cultural advisors, military advisors, diplomatic advisors and scientific advisors. Each of them is important because they help players to build a well-balanced empire.
The longest game ever played.
Players can use them in order to decide which technology they want to discover, what unit or which building one wants to build in a city, or who they want to trade with. Advisors also keep players informed of diplomatic and military situations that a player may need to respond to. [6]

Since Civilization is a turn-based game, the player has to wait until every other civilization ends their turn in order to make their next move. This time between turns means that games can take several hours. Civilization is known for its “one more turn” mode, which is activated after reaching the year 2050 in-game when the actual scoring game is ended. One player, Lycerius has been playing one game, in Civilization II, for over ten years. He has reached the year AD 3991. [7]

How to Win

In Civilization, players can win in multiple ways, such as cultural victories, conquering other civilizations, or winning a space race. Here are the exact ways of winning in Civilization 6 [8]

  • Cultural, achieved by attracting a large number of tourists to the player's civilization.
  • Religious, achieved by making the player's religion the dominant religion across all civilizations.
  • Domination, achieved by conquering the capital city of all other players.
  • Science, achieved by researching advanced technologies and completing a series of space missions.
  • Time, achieved by having the highest score when the game ends automatically at the end of year 2050. After that, a player can still play but cannot change the result of the game.

Major Releases


Title Year Note
Civilization 1991 First Civilization game
Civilization II 1996
Civilization III 2001
Civilization IV 2005
Civilization V 2010
Civilization Revolution 2008 First game developed for mobile platforms such as iOS and handheld gaming systems
Civilization World 2011 A Beta version of a game created for Facebook
Civilization VI 2016 Latest edition of the full game not including expansion packs

Ethical Issues

Virtue Ethics and Violence

A screenshot of a nuclear bomb detonated in Civ 5.

In the Civilization series, players make choices on how they want to play the game. Among the possibilities, players can choose violence, sacking and burning cities or building nuclear weapons. As violence is optional in Civilization, and players can win the game without taking any violent actions, players are free to decide whether violence is ethical in gameplay. Shannon Vallor notes that virtue ethics are not merely what people think or believe, but rather what they do, and what they do repeatedly. [10] Therefore, players have the opportunity to express and develop their virtues through their choices in the game. As Civilization can be played online against other people, the expression of these virtues becomes even more important, as it becomes a microcosm of society.

Structural Bias

The Civilization series has drawn criticism for its over-simplified view of history. It has a Eurocentric, imperialistic framing in which civilizations advance along the path that Western civilizations have taken. [11] There are limited options to play different types of civilizations, such as nomadic groups. Civilization presents the end goal of all civilizations as becoming like the United States and globalizing, ignoring or minimizing the contributions and paths of non-Western civilizations through history.[11]

This Western-centric focus is at the core of the series. Phillip Brey notes that information systems are not neutral, but rather have biases and embedded values built into them, knowingly or unknowingly, by their designers. [12] He promotes Value Sensitive Design, in which designers identify morally opaque practices and think about what design choices are made regarding these practices. [12] With Value Sensitive Design, the series may lose its Western bias and reflect other types of civilizations throughout history.


Several of the early Civilization games had cheat codes,[13], and it is still possible to "cheat" the newer games through the use of hacks, mods, or unfair strategies. [14]. Although most of these cheating strategies only work in single-player games, research shows that that just makes players more likely to cheat. Players are more likely to cheat against a machine than against an actual person, even when the machine has human-like characteristics, such as the AI players in civilization. [15] There is no consensus on what constitutes cheating in a single-player game, let alone whether it is actually unethical.[16] However, it is possible to hack the game to allow cheats in multiplayer mode, thus gaining an advantage against a human opponent. Cheating in multiplayer games harms the experience for the other players, and is more unethical than cheating a computer.[15]

Violation of Privacy

Civilization VI generated controversy when it released because it came packaged with an ad-tracking program called Red Shell. [17] The program works by secretly recording how often players of the game click on certain advertisements. [17]. This program is especially malicious because it tracks players without their knowledge.

The packaging of this spyware with the game was so problematic because it was a deliberate violation of players' informational privacy, defined by Luciano Floridi as "freedom from informational interference or intrusion." [18] By secretly installing the software, the game greatly reduced informational friction that players may have wished to maintain, as the adware automatically gathered data about players. [18] Moreover, by doing this without the players' knowledge, the program removed any control the players may have had over this part of their informational identity. [19]. When players found out about Red Shell being installed with Civilization VI, they created such a controversy, due to the violation of their privacy and the loss of control of their information, that Firaxis, the studio that made the game, removed the software from players' computers. [17]

See Also

External Links


  1. Chan, Stephanie. “Civ VI was a large contributor to Take-Two’s net revenue growth.” Venture Beat. May 23, 2017. https://venturebeat.com/2017/05/23/civ-vi-was-a-large-contributor-to-take-twos-net-revenue-growth/
  2. ”Civilization VI: Gathering Storm Available Now.” Civilization. February 14, 2019. https://civilization.com/news/entries/civilization-vi-gathering-storm-new-expansion-release-date-pc-february-14-2019.
  3. “Civilization VI.” Civilization. Accessed April 22, 2019. https://civilization.com/buy/#civilization-vi/civilization-vi-standard-edition/united-states
  4. Civilization Revolution Official Site Home Page
  5. "Civilization 6," Wikipediak accessed April 22, 2019, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_VI
  6. >"Advisors",Civilizaton Official Wiki Site, accessed April 22, 2019, https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Advisor.
  7. Frum, Larry, "10-year-long video game creates 'hellish nightmare' world." CNN Business, last modified June 19, 2012 http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/18/tech/gaming-gadgets/civilization-ii-ten-years/index.html/.
  8. "Victory (Civ6), Civilizaton Official Wiki Site, accessed April 22, 2019, https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Victory_(Civ6).
  9. "Civilization," Civilization, accessed April 22, 2019, https://civilization.com/.
  10. Vallor, Shannon. "Social networking technology and the virtues." Ethics and Information Technology 12, no. 2 (2010): 157-170. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/files/9617520?module_item_id=590901
  11. 11.0 11.1 Poblocki, Kacper. "Becoming-state: The bio-cultural imperialism of Sid Meier's Civilization." Focaal - Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 39 (2002): 163-177. https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/bitstream/10593/8609/1/poblocki%20becoming%20state%20and%20sid%20meiers%20civilization.pdf
  12. 12.0 12.1 Brey, Phillip. "Values in technology and disclosive computer ethics." In The Cambridge Handbook of Information and Computer Ethics, edited by Luciano Floridi. 41-58. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/files/9617491?module_item_id=590847
  13. "Sid Meier’s Civilization: Cheats." Civilization Fanatics Center. Accessed April 22, 2019. https://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/cheats/.
  14. Manlupig, Jr., Mario. "Civilization 6 Hack: How To Exploit The Game And Claim Victory." iTech Post. Last modified October 29, 2016. http://www.itechpost.com/articles/48012/20161029/civilization-6-hack-how-to-exploit-the-game-and-claim-victory.htm
  15. 15.0 15.1 Cohn, Alain, Tobias Gesche, and Michel Maréchal. Honesty in the Digital Age. Working paper no. 280. Department of Economics, University of Zurich. February, 2018. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/modules/items/618259
  16. Consalvo, Mia. "Gaining Advantage: How Videogame Players Define and Negotiate Cheating". In Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2007. https://umich.instructure.com/courses/273552/files/9617490?module_item_id=590935
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 O'Connor, Alice, "Civilization VI removes Red Shell ad-tracking software," Rock Paper Shotgun. July 20, 2018. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/07/20/civilization-vi-removes-red-shell/.
  18. 18.0 18.1 Floridi, Luciano, "Privacy: Informational Friction." In The 4th Revolution: How the Infosphere is Reshaping Human Reality. Oxford University Press, 2014.
  19. Shoemaker, David W. "Self-exposure and exposure of the self: informational privacy and the presentation of identity." Ethics and Information Technology 12, no. 1 (2010): 3-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10676-009-9186-x.

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