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-Jon R. Hanson
-Jon R. Hanson
Your autobiography was pretty good with some grammar mistakes here and there. The format of your page could be a little better though. And I think that you should just stick with just talking in either first person or third person and shouldn't switch between the two in your paper. The intro paragraph was done well. It laid out a quick description of who you are and why you don't really use Facebook to much.
In the first major section, "Sontae Ma", you describe your self but then directly go into the lack of security of Facebook. I thought this could be moved to the next section where you actually talk about Facebook. I did like your explanation of Facebook security flaws and how it doesn't really matter what a person puts on their Facebook. It is solely up to how the people viewing that Facebook page interprets it. The security settings is a huge factor that every user has to deal with and will sometimes determine if a user will use Facebook or not.
In the following sections you describe aspects of your Facebook profile but you keep saying things along the lines of those aspects being the correct assumption of who you are. But it would be better to go into more detail about who your truly are and how you want to be viewed. Lines like "correct assumption about his identity", are very ambiguous. I do like your friend's section and how you explain that the number of friends a person has does not truly represent that they are good friends in the real world.
Overall, this was pretty good but I would like to see a little more in depth talk about ethical issues.
-Chris H.

Latest revision as of 18:36, 21 November 2012

The organization of your page is very good. There are a few grammer things throughout the page but for the most part it is well written. One critique I would say however is to go more in depth about your personality traits. You do a good job of diving into things you like to do and your jobs, but this is more about what you do than who you are I think. However some people say you are what you do but I think talking more about your personality traits would help be more insightful. Another thing that I like about your page is that you talk about the limitations of Facebook. I think you could expand more on this by going into what aspects about you are unable to be portrayed due to these limitations. I still think you did a nice job of talking about how Facebook does and does not embody who you really are virtually versus not virtually. Overall I think you gave a genuinely serious effort in your discussion of your Facebook identity, but one thing I would suggest would be to further talk about what aspects you find important about yourself do not get portrayed by Facebook. I hope this helps a little bit!

-Jon R. Hanson


Your autobiography was pretty good with some grammar mistakes here and there. The format of your page could be a little better though. And I think that you should just stick with just talking in either first person or third person and shouldn't switch between the two in your paper. The intro paragraph was done well. It laid out a quick description of who you are and why you don't really use Facebook to much.

In the first major section, "Sontae Ma", you describe your self but then directly go into the lack of security of Facebook. I thought this could be moved to the next section where you actually talk about Facebook. I did like your explanation of Facebook security flaws and how it doesn't really matter what a person puts on their Facebook. It is solely up to how the people viewing that Facebook page interprets it. The security settings is a huge factor that every user has to deal with and will sometimes determine if a user will use Facebook or not.

In the following sections you describe aspects of your Facebook profile but you keep saying things along the lines of those aspects being the correct assumption of who you are. But it would be better to go into more detail about who your truly are and how you want to be viewed. Lines like "correct assumption about his identity", are very ambiguous. I do like your friend's section and how you explain that the number of friends a person has does not truly represent that they are good friends in the real world.

Overall, this was pretty good but I would like to see a little more in depth talk about ethical issues.

-Chris H.