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Revision as of 12:48, 24 February 2021

Comment by Carlos Cardenas:

Hello Madison. I think this article is extremely exceptional, well written, and impactful. I think that you begin your article with a well-formed and direct introduction and thesis that rounds out well with the conclusion you present at the end of the article. I think that you have a unique and creative topic, and I especially like the part where you do a dive into the juxtaposition between Maddy and Madison in regards to your online presence. I also really like how you took some time to discuss some of the ethical dilemmas and implications that arise from the accessibility of your online presence and/or personal information, whether they be publicly available or garnered by data brokers. I'm grasping at straws to critique your article because I do think that you have done such a great job. As far as your writing style, it is impeccably well-written (save for a missing period in your introduction, but that's just me nit-picking because I can't find anything else). If I had one thing to suggest, its that if you felt comfortable, maybe you could make more effective use of or utilize more screenshots in your article. Maybe show screenshots of your LinkedIn or other platforms with any sensitive information blurred out, or maybe what comes up when you query your name(s) on search engines. Additionally, you mention that you try to curate your contemporary image to be more neutral, safe, and employable. Maybe there's something in there to analyze about the modern day importance of your online image to a potential employer, and whether some there's a societal pressure to present one's inauthentic self to maximize employability. Overall though, you did an amazing job writing this!