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Your initial cover photo drew me in to your wiki. I thought it was very clean cut which lead me to think that your entire Instagram would also be clean cut with little to no goofiness. After reading about your delineation between private and public social presence I assumed correctly. I think you did a good distinctly separating your two presences and the flow of your wiki was good.
Your initial cover photo drew me in to your wiki. I thought it was very clean cut which lead me to think that your entire Instagram would also be clean cut with little to no goofiness. After reading about your delineation between private and public social presence I assumed correctly. I think you did a good job distinctly separating your two presences and the flow of your wiki was good. You mention how awkward it would be for some random person to follow you and see your personal pictures that you post. But at the same time you also mention how private you keep your account and how strict s.s.yoon is with the content on your profile. If you don't allow random people to follow you and your privacy settings are high to foster an intimate network, why only showcase the best parts of your life when you know it isn't reality? What fear do you have for posting an "embarrassing" picture of yourself and where does it stem from?
I really enjoyed when you mentioned that you haven't utilized s.s.yoon to your advantage yet but you always have the option to carve out a new presence/profile if that time arrives. I also thought your Sean Yoon = ss.yoon and Sean Yoon ≠ s.s.yoon was clever. I think it would be better if the second heading was reversed so that it read s.s.yoon ≠ Sean Yoon. This says " Hey I am Sean and I technically am my online presence, but my online presence (s.s.yoon) isn't necessarily me". I also enjoyed your pictures that you chose especially in relation to your squat picture and how your directly remember sentiments from that day that correspond with who you actually are, not just the facade of your Instagram profile -- Tyler Walker
Hey Sean!
This was a great post! I’ve known you for a while as a friend now, and it was great to read this to better understand how one of your online identities works.
I initially clicked on your profile because I knew you in real life, and was interested in learning more about you. What really got me hooked for reading your entire profile though was the introductory picture that you had - a clean and classy instagram overview. With this, I liked your honesty and transparency in the introduction on how you used Instagram, and how you were aware you were not a “normal” Instagram user.
Being honest, I don’t use social media that much (all I really use is Facebook and maybe Reddit if that counts). All the other platforms (like Instagram) seem way too time intensive and demanding/invasive to my personal life, and this deters me from using these platforms. Your self awareness and description of how you used Instagram, interested me intrigued me as not only was it unusual but it is a description of how I would probably use Instagram myself. Your opening felt relatable and personable, hooking me and making me want to learn more.
I felt like I was having a very personal face to face conversation while reading your post, and applaud you for your openness. You truly use Instagram frugally, and only for moments of great self importance to you. This was made clear by the examples you had and the overall structure of your post. You had an excellent hook and it got my attention, letting me infer what the post would be about. The example pictures you had of your Instagram, your discussion on why the account is private, and your clever titling (Sean Yoon = s.s.yoon and Sean Yoon ≠ s.s.yoon) added greatly to this, and helped create an engaging dialogue for me to follow. I enjoyed seeing your dialogue progress throughout your post and why your online version of you is what it is. I especially liked your transparency in how you purposefully filter your Instagram presence to only show the best you and the best aspect of your lives. This is something everyone does online (in my opinion, to any extent) and is important for any web citizen to understand for them to truly engage in the online world. Your honesty, simple dialogue, clever and engaging images made this a great read overall.
With regards to feedback/criticism. The biggest thing I can suggest changing is the formatting towards the middle of the post. The two pictures (first of you about to squat then the one of your photos) are set up in a way that disjoints the text there and (at least for me) made it a bit disorienting to read. With this, I think your honest takeaway was a great start, but I believe it can be expanded more. What you said about being an identity-modifier and identity-presenter really interested me. I think it would be great if you talked about this more in your life and online presence, and see where else you do this, and how maybe this might now change after this reflection and self realization?
Overall, it definitely looks like you engaged with this assignment and gave it a genuine effort, and I enjoyed the read.
Great Job :)
-Jaik Prasad
Excellent job, Sean!
You are very reflective and insightful and your bio is engaging.
Your colleagues’ comments are spot on.
Please consider them fully for your revision.

Latest revision as of 05:05, 5 March 2018

Your initial cover photo drew me in to your wiki. I thought it was very clean cut which lead me to think that your entire Instagram would also be clean cut with little to no goofiness. After reading about your delineation between private and public social presence I assumed correctly. I think you did a good job distinctly separating your two presences and the flow of your wiki was good. You mention how awkward it would be for some random person to follow you and see your personal pictures that you post. But at the same time you also mention how private you keep your account and how strict s.s.yoon is with the content on your profile. If you don't allow random people to follow you and your privacy settings are high to foster an intimate network, why only showcase the best parts of your life when you know it isn't reality? What fear do you have for posting an "embarrassing" picture of yourself and where does it stem from?

I really enjoyed when you mentioned that you haven't utilized s.s.yoon to your advantage yet but you always have the option to carve out a new presence/profile if that time arrives. I also thought your Sean Yoon = ss.yoon and Sean Yoon ≠ s.s.yoon was clever. I think it would be better if the second heading was reversed so that it read s.s.yoon ≠ Sean Yoon. This says " Hey I am Sean and I technically am my online presence, but my online presence (s.s.yoon) isn't necessarily me". I also enjoyed your pictures that you chose especially in relation to your squat picture and how your directly remember sentiments from that day that correspond with who you actually are, not just the facade of your Instagram profile -- Tyler Walker

Hey Sean!

This was a great post! I’ve known you for a while as a friend now, and it was great to read this to better understand how one of your online identities works.

I initially clicked on your profile because I knew you in real life, and was interested in learning more about you. What really got me hooked for reading your entire profile though was the introductory picture that you had - a clean and classy instagram overview. With this, I liked your honesty and transparency in the introduction on how you used Instagram, and how you were aware you were not a “normal” Instagram user.

Being honest, I don’t use social media that much (all I really use is Facebook and maybe Reddit if that counts). All the other platforms (like Instagram) seem way too time intensive and demanding/invasive to my personal life, and this deters me from using these platforms. Your self awareness and description of how you used Instagram, interested me intrigued me as not only was it unusual but it is a description of how I would probably use Instagram myself. Your opening felt relatable and personable, hooking me and making me want to learn more.

I felt like I was having a very personal face to face conversation while reading your post, and applaud you for your openness. You truly use Instagram frugally, and only for moments of great self importance to you. This was made clear by the examples you had and the overall structure of your post. You had an excellent hook and it got my attention, letting me infer what the post would be about. The example pictures you had of your Instagram, your discussion on why the account is private, and your clever titling (Sean Yoon = s.s.yoon and Sean Yoon ≠ s.s.yoon) added greatly to this, and helped create an engaging dialogue for me to follow. I enjoyed seeing your dialogue progress throughout your post and why your online version of you is what it is. I especially liked your transparency in how you purposefully filter your Instagram presence to only show the best you and the best aspect of your lives. This is something everyone does online (in my opinion, to any extent) and is important for any web citizen to understand for them to truly engage in the online world. Your honesty, simple dialogue, clever and engaging images made this a great read overall.

With regards to feedback/criticism. The biggest thing I can suggest changing is the formatting towards the middle of the post. The two pictures (first of you about to squat then the one of your photos) are set up in a way that disjoints the text there and (at least for me) made it a bit disorienting to read. With this, I think your honest takeaway was a great start, but I believe it can be expanded more. What you said about being an identity-modifier and identity-presenter really interested me. I think it would be great if you talked about this more in your life and online presence, and see where else you do this, and how maybe this might now change after this reflection and self realization? Overall, it definitely looks like you engaged with this assignment and gave it a genuine effort, and I enjoyed the read.

Great Job :) -Jaik Prasad


Excellent job, Sean!

You are very reflective and insightful and your bio is engaging.

Your colleagues’ comments are spot on.

Please consider them fully for your revision.

