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Cecilia's topic :)
A parody (also known as [b]spoof[/b]) is an instance where one intentionally copies or imitates a subject, event, or scenario. In literature, it is used for comedic effect or for ridicule. In other applications, it can be used for simulations that imitate particular scenarios, people or subjects. Parodies can be found in music, film, literature, and animation.
Derived from ancient Greek terms, the word was adapted from “parodia” for the equivalent to the Latin phrase ad imitationem. In French Neoclassical literature, a parody was a new defamiliarization from where it’s target text is imitated mostly from another form of literature.
Parodies use techniques that exaggerates features and patterns of its subject to expose it as superficial and cliché-ridden. In literature, parodies aim to criticize the text, literary techniques, characters or fictious worlds. Its main importance is how it illuminates perpetuated misconceptions from the public audience. Literature parodies allow for the broadening of understanding of intertextuality through the use of comic effects.
* Use of Copyright
* Pornography
* Legal problems
* Inherently evil?
Definition and text...

Revision as of 07:44, 17 February 2016

A parody (also known as [b]spoof[/b]) is an instance where one intentionally copies or imitates a subject, event, or scenario. In literature, it is used for comedic effect or for ridicule. In other applications, it can be used for simulations that imitate particular scenarios, people or subjects. Parodies can be found in music, film, literature, and animation. Derived from ancient Greek terms, the word was adapted from “parodia” for the equivalent to the Latin phrase ad imitationem. In French Neoclassical literature, a parody was a new defamiliarization from where it’s target text is imitated mostly from another form of literature. Parodies use techniques that exaggerates features and patterns of its subject to expose it as superficial and cliché-ridden. In literature, parodies aim to criticize the text, literary techniques, characters or fictious worlds. Its main importance is how it illuminates perpetuated misconceptions from the public audience. Literature parodies allow for the broadening of understanding of intertextuality through the use of comic effects. http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195342369.001.0001/acprof-9780195342369-chapter-5 https://books.google.com/books?id=oa42E3DP3icC&pg=PA300&lpg=PA300&dq=importance+of+parodies&source=bl&ots=V_H3Z7YDsk&sig=cWiN4YtWMlkREf_gAhoEo6mZAkY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzk_myof7KAhXJ1hQKHYd-AjE4ChDoAQhBMAk#v=onepage&q=importance%20of%20parodies&f=false http://www.connotations.de/pdf/articles/fishelov01223.pdf https://depotuw.ceon.pl/bitstream/handle/item/1226/ABCD.The_Creative_Role_of_Parody._PU%20(2).pdf?sequence=3 https://books.google.com/books?id=VyZVYxSPR00C&pg=PA127&lpg=PA127&dq=importance+of+parodies&source=bl&ots=CIZiyoSWyp&sig=y88NviDy1MorueFJH8EkXxegFug&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiM0L70oP7KAhXDtBQKHWCOCx4Q6AEIJDAB#v=onepage&q=importance%20of%20parodies&f=false https://books.google.com/books?id=tcoOeaYQg-AC&pg=PA83&lpg=PA83&dq=neoclassicism+parody&source=bl&ots=w5__LthuN6&sig=9Q4FelfREMyP5l3v0MUBpzfubuU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBo6n3n_7KAhUE1xQKHWkcCJIQ6AEIKTAC#v=onepage&q=neoclassicism%20parody&f=false





Video Games


A screenshot of The Best Game of The Year 420 Blaze It.



Child Pornography

Ethical Implications


External Links


See Also

