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The author utilizes an outside source in his reflection  
The author utilizes an outside source in his reflection by referencing the character Apu in the television series "The Simpsons."

Revision as of 17:47, 15 November 2011

I really enjoyed this reflection of the process you used to create your avatars. The entire work is very well organized and well-written. I didn’t find myself pausing or rereading throughout the reflection. Not only that, but every sentence had a focus and clear relation to the entire wiki. The description of self-analysis in understanding your sense of identity in accordance to your ethnicity was an interesting perspective that many did not touch on. However, it was your ethnicity and sense of identification that ran you into difficulty with the evolver program. You also were clear to mention that this difficulty was only apparent when creating an avatar of yourself. Nevertheless, I felt a sense of blame on the program and not on the creator, where you did not mention that the way in which you see yourself could have caused some of the limitations. Your use of outside sources was extensive and was used to expand on your limitations of ethnicity. The analogy to both pop culture and articles aided your thoughts in meaningful ways that others failed on. Finally, you finished strong with a comparison and explanation of your experience. With that said, this reflection could have been improved if the overall layout was formatted better. By breaking up the reflection with headings and subheadings, the reflection would have been much less formal and easier for the eyes to not get lost on the page. I also wish I would have been able to see more pictures of your avatars, since body is a large factor in the creation of your aggressive fantasy avatar. Although that was your aim, your avatar did not directly represent what you were trying to go for without a picture of the body. In all, this was an insightful and well-written reflection that was focused and personal at the same time.

- C. Britt

The author utilizes an outside source in his reflection by referencing the character Apu in the television series "The Simpsons."

-Nettie Shields