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Revision as of 03:03, 27 November 2012

Hey Michael,

Truly a great job done on the article! It was such a pleasure to read; very funny, entertaining, and true. You successfully delved into some issues pertaining to privacy issues on Facebook, made a case and countered them with examples of your own profile. Below is some more feedback in detail, hope it helps.

Positives: Great flow! It was extremely easy to read through because the connections were very strong. You created links between the different subsections, thus taking the reader through this constant flow of thoughts and perceptions on Facebook. Your writing style made the entire analysis more personal, and consequently, more identifiable. I liked how to addressed the use of Facebook for expressing certain things, and how different stakeholders might view it (such as potential employers). This, alongside your view of the use of Facebook as a kind of background-check platform brought into light a very relevant privacy issue.

Suggestions: You did a great job of interlacing personal anecdotes with analysis, but in a way this took away from some deeper analysis that could have been done. What could the consequences be, exactly, of employers being able to see everything? What about parents/family? Why has it become so important to keep those lives separate, and thus, why does this not apply to you? These would just have made an interesting contrast to support your points, just to embellish them a little more. Also, some more illustrations would have been nice to associate with your profile.

Overall though, you definitely got the point across and with a great sense of humour. I enjoyed reading it.
