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Revision as of 06:48, 21 November 2012

It's interesting that you've chosen to talk about Facebook even though you don't have one anymore. But I find it a little baffling that you're taking this course, when so much of it is centered around social media. I'm curious to know what your intentions were in taking this class.

I think you did a great job outlining your reasons for skipping out on the Facebook fad. When you were talking about a friend posting an inappropriate picture on your wall, I wanted to know if this was something that had happened before (if there was a specific experience that you're referring to) or if you quit Facebook before any of that could happen. I guess I just wanted to know more about if there was a definitive breaking point you had or if it was a gradual transition. And even though you don't have access to your Facebook anymore, I would've liked to know a specific instance where you might have written a status that was completely against who you are (though maybe you don't remember any of your posts anymore). I want to know more about the difference between Facebook you and irl you. That would've helped more in your level of authenticity argument.

Your writing quality was good and nothing bad stood out. Though I did find your screenshot to be a bit big and therefore intrusive in your story. I also think you could make more sections and flesh each of them out (this goes along with my suggestion of naming some specific experiences you had with Facebook). I finished your post feeling like I wanted to know more about your reasoning for turning away all social media.

I'm also wondering if you had any "relapses" to Facebook after you initially deactivated it. Did you just quit and never look back, or did you have some moments of weakness?