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Revision as of 18:03, 4 February 2022

Length: The minimum word length of 3000 has not been met but the draft outline provides an overall understanding of what the final draft will look like. I think the order of sections in the draft could be improved. For example, the "Overview" may be better placed within the opening paragraph. I'm not sure what the overview will specifically contain but if it's a brief introduction to the topic then it may be better to incorporate it into the opening paragraph. Also, I think the "Ethical Concerns" would be better if placed towards the end of the article. Providing all of the context first then talking about the ethical issues is what I personally find to be a good structure but it may be a personal preference and dependent on the topic. You could also incorporate ethical issues within the other sections too instead of having a separate section about it. Structure: While the draft contains an opening paragraph and one body paragraph, it's still a simple draft without a lot of information. However, the opening paragraph sufficiently provides some background to understand what the article is about. To reach the word count, I think the opening paragraph could be expanded upon a lot further in talking about what virtual reality actually is by talking about the technical aspects rather than providing a brief definition. You can also talk about how VR is being used in entertainment, communication, learning, therapy, experimentation by talking about specific headsets like the Oculus. There's quite a lot of examples of VR headsets and VR applications that can be used as an example to properly create an introduction to the topic. In addition, the history should also be expanded upon. You can talk about early research and development in virtual reality by going into more technical details and ethical issues that may have been raised in the past. References are provided to backup claims in opening and history section. I also recommend using headers to separate sections. Right now, you have all sub-headings for each section but I think it would be better to have a header that contains sub headings. Clarity: Right now, there is not enough information to understand what the ethical issues are being raised and their importance. There's a sentence towards the end of the opening paragraph that alludes to ethical issues of using VR in experiments but not enough information is provided in this draft. The specific ethical issues that will be discussed should be briefly mentioned in the opening paragraph to build a foundation for the article. Then you can later discuss it more after giving more context about the topic. You mentioned that virtual reality experiments may be "unethical or implausible to run in reality". Make sure to address both of these issues in the final draft and specifically expand on why some virtual reality experiments would be implausible to conduct. Objective reporting: The draft does take an objective and neutral stance on the topic without adding any opinions. The opening paragraph describes what VR is and the uses of it from an objective point of view. The history section also does the same thing. The article is in third-person and any specific claims about virtual reality is provided with a reference, indicating that it's an objective stance.